Young Actors Workshop December 6 & 7
Dear Parents and Young Actors,
Lance Dreesen has so much to offer any young actor. An internationally award-winning filmmaker, Lance Dreesen is also an acclaimed acting coach and instructor, with students of all ages who are consistently working in TV and film. One of Dreesen’s, and Chez Studio’s, greatest success stories is Pierce Gagnon, who starred in “Looper” with Bruce Willis, the TV series “Extant” with Halle Berry, and the upcoming “Tomorrowland” with George Clooney.
We have already had much interest and requests for this Youth Workshop so please sign up right away if you want to attend. We will post this to our website tomorrow but send this to our friend list to give you first chance at a spot. This is our last Youth Workshop for 2014.
Lance Dreesen Youth Actors Workshop December 6 – 7
Lance is a member of the Writers Guild of America and owner of Red Five Entertainment, Inc., a film production company with offices in Atlanta and Los Angeles. He has directed, written and/or produced seven feature films and developed both film and TV projects for Universal, Fox and Lionsgate.
The premiere of Dreesen’s latest film, “The Way Home,” starring Dean Cain, set ratings records for the “Up” television network. His directorial debut, “Terror Tract” starring Bryan Cranston, won top honors at film festivals in the United States and Europe, and can currently been seen on HBO. His current project, the kids adventure film AGENTS, is scheduled to begin filming in Spring of 2015
More about Lance can be found here, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004165/
About the Workshop:
In this fun weekend workshop, Lance will bring out the natural performer in each and every student with a combination of audition technique, improvisation, and on-camera acting.
In a safe and supportive environment, Dreesen guides his students, from beginner to experienced, to trust themselves and use their own behavior, personality and charm in their acting. Most importantly Lance will guide them to gain freedom in front of the camera. His confidence-boosting techniques will not just help your child “get the role” , but also prepare them to arrive at an audition, or on set, feeling relaxed, excited, and ready to let their unique talent shine! A joint Q&A session for the Parents with Lance & Shay Griffin will be held at the close of Saturday’s session.
More about Shay can be found here, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0341360/
If you have never attended a Chez Studio Workshop it is very important to know that we are dedicated to giving every student a great class. Our class size is small, we do not promise to make you a star, but more importantly bring you working professionals from the industry that share this working experience with our students. Our classes close once filled so if you intend to come sign up right away, you can cancel should you have a conflict, see the details below.
Note*: If you have attended any Chez Studio workshop in the past please send a request for a discount link. This is our Holiday Gift to our best supporters.:-)
The Goat Farm Arts Center – Atlanta, GA.
2 Day Workshop Dates are December 6 – 7, 2014:
Group A – Ages 5 to 12 – Saturday and Sunday 9:30 am – 1:00 pm (Saturday 12:30-1:00 Parent Q&A)
Group B – Ages 10 to 21 – Saturday and Sunday 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (Saturday 5:00-5:30 Parent Q&A)
About Youth Age. The above age range is a suggestion. We like to group the ages so the class can be geared to that age group.
Ages 11-14, with professional experience, maturity or scheduling issues may attend either group.
How to Join This Workshop:
Each class size will be limited. Spaces will be reserved on a first come, first paid basis.
Note*: If you have attended any Chez Studio workshop in the past please send a request for a discount link
Step 1: Payment Cost for this workshop is $235.00
Your payment confirms your place in this workshop. Please select the link below for your GROUP, A or B.
Click this link to securely save your seat in GROUP A via a payment at PayPal.
Click this link to securely save your seat in GROUP B via a payment at PayPal.
Step 2: Register
Send an email to prepare@chezstudios.com with the following info:
We still need all your details, even if you have sent them before.
– Young Actor’s Name, Age, Gender
– Parents/Contact Name
– Parents Contact Phone Number
– Correct email address (Paypal contacts are often out of date)
– Preferred Group (A or B)
– If available, please send Headshot and Resume.
– Agent if represented
*Please Note: Cancellation Policy. You may cancel your workshop for a refund 14 days prior to the start date. Any cancellation after that time is subject to fees and our ability to find a replacement. If we are unable to find a replacement then you will not receive a refund. Many credit cards have insurance in the event of emergencies and we encourage you to use these when booking.