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Coming up! – Check out our website for details:



Intro to On-Camera Acting – October 4, 11, and 18 – REGISTER NOW! $90 Total

On-Camera Acting I – 8 Wednesdays, 7-10pm, October 5 thru November 30 (skips November 23) $125/month

On-Camera Acting II – 8 Wednesdays, 7-10pm, October 12 thru Dec 7 (skips November 23) $125/month

Film/TV Audition – 7-10pm Mondays, Ongoing $99/month



Beginning Voice-OverGuest Instructor VO Agent Jeffrey Umberger – 3 Wednesdays, 7-10pm, September 14, 21, and 28 $99 Total

VO “Copy Grasp” Workshop with VO Agent Sally Neal  – ONE DAY ONLY Saturday, September 17, 12-2pm, $99 Total

Intermediate Voice-Over – 8 Wednesdays, 7-10pm, October 5 thru November 30 (skips November 23) $147.50/month

Voice-Over Demo Workshop – 6 Tuesdays, 7-10pm, September 27 thru November 1 $100 depost required, Total $395 includes fully-edited and produced MP3 demo


Special Workshops:

Meisner Technique IIPreparing for the Role

Start Date: Tuesday, September 13th or Wednesday, September 14th OR Thursday, September 15. (Class is available any of those nights, and is 8 weeks long)

When: Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 7-10pm
Cost: $295
Instructor: Robert Melloith


PREREQUISITE: Completion of Tech One. No exceptions allowed.


In this eight week class, you will begin to explore preparation for a scene or audition through a series of advanced exercises, as you continue to strengthen the skill set you gained in the Meisner I class.
Some individual outside work required for this class. ally Nealewith VO Agent Sally N