Business of Acting!
We will have a “Business of Acting Seminar” for parents this Saturday, December 1 during class time covering headshots, resume’s, agents, auditions, and more, and you’ll be given materials to take home with you. Bob Harter will be in the lobby presenting the material and answering your questions about how to best support your child or teen in their pursuit of an acting career, if that is their goal. Even if they’re not sure at this point in their training, this is valuable info just in case they decide later to seek representation and begin auditioning. |

Agent Visit!
Our 4-month Fall/Winter session will culminate Saturday, December 15, when the parents will join a visiting agent in the Theatre to view the actors performing improv and scenes live onstage, as well as taped scenes or monologues on the widescreen!
Giving the kids feedback from 10am-noon will be agent Brenda Pauley from Hot Shot Kids, and the teens will be critiqued by agent Sarah Carpenter of Atlanta Models & Talent from 1-3pm. We are very proud of these young actors and know you’ll want to support them by staying to watch. Don’t miss it!
Because this is a live performance, we ask that you leave small children at home if possible. |

Discount on Classes!
The Winter/Spring session starts January 5 and goes to April 27. You can register at any time to reserve your space, but if you register before December 31st, you get $20 off! You have the option of paying for all 4 months in advance to save an additional $60, or pay month-to-month. New students need to call us to schedule the one-hour private session, Intro to On-Camera Acting.
See our website for details.