Methods in the Madness…12.1.14
December 5th is the last day we are accepting new or used coats for ONE WARM COAT DRIVE Welcome to this week’s Methods in the Madness (information we frequently answer, or wish talent knew/would do/wouldn’t do…) HELP US HELP YOU TIP #21 – When emailing audition files, the subject should include BOTH the project and role names for easy searching and retrieval on our end. YOU CAN’T KNOW TIL YOU KNOW TIP #21 – Always send audition files to yourself so you can be more comfortable that the email goes through, and can double check to see that the video and audio play. NEWSY BIT – THR article reporting on remarks from panelists at the USC Law School’s Entertainment Law and Business panel in October regarding the future of content and how new technologies are impacting the TV industry:Hollywood Reporter, Amazon’s Roy Price and TV Vets on the Future of Content “One thing’s for sure, no one is ever going to download our movies” — studio exec to Amazon 10 years ago By Soo Youn http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/amazons-roy-price-tv-vets-743954 |