Angel Tree: Give the Gift of God’s Love this Christmas

Angel Tree: Give the Gift of God’s Love This Christmas

Hundreds of thousands of prisoners’ children will spend this Christmas apart from their incarcerated parent. Your church or organization can embrace these children by providing a present on behalf of their mom or dad and by sharing the greatest gift of all — the Good News of Jesus Christ!

This year, nearly 400,000 children were signed up for Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree program by their parent in prison. While more than 7,500 churches and groups have already signed up to serve these children, there are still over 50,000 children who have yet to be paired with a church or organization.

The needs are great, but so is the opportunity. By partnering with Angel Tree, you can touch the lives of children and families near you.

To learn more, or to register your church or organization, please visit or call Angel Tree at 1-800-55-ANGEL (1-800-552-6435)

Almost every state has children remaining to be served. There are especially high numbers of children in California, Florida, Texas, Illinois, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana. Call now to find out how many children are near you!

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