Women in Film and Television Atlanta Announce New Board of Directors
Women in Film and Television Atlanta
Announce New Board of Directors
ATLANTA, January 27, 2010 — The Atlanta chapter of Women in Film and Television (WIFTA) is beginning 2010 with strong new leadership by adding nine entertainment industry professionals to their board of directors.
Leading WIFTA’s 2010 board is newly elected President Dana Serby who stated upon taking the position: “In the recent 3 years that I have been a part of the board one thing has remained the same…a commitment to providing members with quality programs and professional resources. Top initiatives for this year include establishing added opportunities for members to become more involved in this professional organization and help grow their business and networks.”
Joining president Serby in leading WIFTA are continuing board members VP of Professional Development Shani Harris Peterson, Member Emeritus Melissa Randle, Treasurer Lisa Wright, Public Relations Director Patricia Taylor, Sponsorship Director LaKeisha Fleming, Programs Director Zoana Price, and Jobs & Opportunities Director Monique McGlockton.
New to the board this year are several Atlanta television and film industry professionals who bring experience and knowledge of the industry to their positions. They include VP of Communications Darija Pichanick, Marketing Director Alice Stephens, VP of Membership Jeanette Gregory, Secretary Dellis Caden Noble, Workshops Director Sherri Daye Scott, Member-at-large Erica Lemmons, Special Events Director Beatrice Allen, Grants Director Cynthia Brooks, and Student Ambassador Lydia Sue-Ellen Chitunya.
Working with members to help them achieve their goals is what WIFTA is all about. We would like to thank departing board members VP of Communications Elisabeth Andre, VP of Membership Samantha Worthen, Secretary Isa Miles, Workshop Director Meena Payne, WIFTI Liaison Sherry Richardson, Member Emeritus Nancy Howard, and Member-at-large Tracy Crayton for their hard work, dedication and service. Each of these ladies had a hand at shaping WIFTA and helped transition incoming board members into their new positions.
For more information about WIFTA and upcoming events go to www.wifta.org.
About Women in Film and Television Atlanta:
(WIFTA) is a Georgia-based non-profit organization affiliated with other national and international Women in Film and Television chapters and dedicated to improving the status and portrayal of women in film, video, and other screen-based media. With an emphasis on education and training, WIFTA serves members and the community by providing access to opportunities, supporting members’ work, fostering greater public awareness of their efforts, and encouraging high standards of professionalism.