Vouchers – Who Needs Them
For SAG bookings, we need a copy of the contract that they give you on set. But for non-union jobs, we need the yellow copy of the 3-part Houghton voucher. Why??
We are getting busier and busier & really need the vouchers as a double check on the non-union work we’re booking. We trust you and we trust the client, but the voucher is a vital part of a necessary paper trail.
When there is a lost invoice or an additional use or whatever down the road, the vouchers have provided the necessary proof for new billing etc…
If the client is too busy or you don’t want to have the client sign, fine, just fill in your time, sign your line & send us the yellow copy. You may drop it by (even after hours in the drop box), you can mail it, you can scan it and email it, or you can fax it 404-603-9456. We just need it as soon as possible. We don’t start the billing process until we receive the yellow copy so not sending your copy delays things considerably on our end.
A good point to remember is that we don’t need vouchers for every non-union job you work…JUST THE ONES YOU WANT TO GET PAID FOR! Thanks for your help!