update on traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial replica in Roswell
Marine Colonel (Retired) Mike Boyce is the contact for the Roswell name reading at the traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial replica in Roswell, July 4, 5, and 6. Anyone who has not visited it in Washington should see it in Roswell–it may be the next best thing until they do.
Here is his description:
Judy and I are helping the team that is bringing a traveling replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC to Roswell on 4,5, & 6 July. The wall is 240 feet long and 8 feet high and contains the names of more than 58,000 servicemen and women who died or are missing in Vietnam.
We are looking for volunteers to sign up for 1 hour blocks of time on the above dates to read names that are on the wall. Our thought was the volunteers would bring family and friends and divide up between themselves the 1 hour time block and read the names. You do not have to be in the military or any way related to the military other than your support of our country and troops to do this. If anything, this memorial brings a sense of awareness and much needed reflection to those who have not served in the military about the sacrifices that are made by our warriors and their families.
Again, as is so often the case, we who have been associated with the military will carry the responsibility for this worthy project. I would be glad to work with you on a time if you are available.
Look forward to seeing you on Monday. Semper fi