This Saturday, May 22nd, TAG will be moderating sessions to discuss the importance of qualified Teleprompter Talent.

In case you havent heard…
This Saturday, May 22nd, TAG will be moderating sessions to discuss the importance of qualified Teleprompter Talent.
A+ Atlanta Film Industry Professionals (Producers/Directors, Agents, Actors, D.P’s) will be speaking about the business of Teleprompting and what it takes to be hired for Teleprompting jobs; what they are looking for, war stories, do’s and dont’s, etc.

A 30 minute break with local artist Sydney Rhame and Keith Davis will be performing live while Actors, Agents and Film Execs mingle.

The second course will give random Actors a shot at “showing their skills” with a team of Judges; Craig Miller, Linda Burns, Lisa Bilek, Allen Facemire, Producers Chick-fil-A, and more! to rate and give constructive criticism to volunteer participants;
our very own reality “Atlanta’s Got Teleprompter Talent!”

To find out more, see the attached flyer. You can email to participate before May 18th for a discounted rate.
Come on out this Saturday!!

Lauri Plesco Ross
TAG Founder/Owner, Sole Proprieter
Teleprompter Accreditation Group LLC

(TAG) .. You’re It!