Stats from Lauri Plesco Ross with TAG
Stats for TAG are:
* Roughly 70% of TAG Actors have been hired for “TAG Only” jobs.
* One job at scale pays for 16 years worth of dues at $60.00/year, (unless you are Level Three because they are Lifetime Members).
* Two companies are currently requesting TAG Actors only on all of their Teleprompting jobs.
* Two additional companies (having heard “word on the street”) have called TAG to request information regarding hiring TAG Actors only on their teleprompting jobs and were given these facts:
FACT: All current Production companies/Producers requesting TAG Actors only on all of their Teleprompting jobs have gone from shooting 3 days of teleprompter work to only 1 day with TAG Actors (Level One, Two and Three!) This saves them a lot of money in the production and editing process. Actors/Agents are gaining work due to their TAG pool/demographics.