Rose of Athens Theatre invites you to audition for its 2009/2010 season!

Here are the specifics:

          WHO:        YOU!
          WHAT:       Rose of Athens Theatre  
                            2009/2010 SEASON AUDITIONS                  
          WHEN:      Monday, August 31st 6-8pm. Make an
          WHERE:    UGA Drama Building, Rm 201. Park on surface 
                           lots across the street.
          HOW:        Call 706-340-9181 for an audition appointment.
                            Or email

DETAILS: Prepare two minutes worth of material, 1 or 2 monologues.  Feel free to include music, but you must provide your own accompaniment.
We may be casting some youth this season – ages 13 and older are welcome to audition.
These productions do include school performances during school hours.  Visit the website – –  for details about the season.

Join the creative team of Rose of Athens Theatre!  And view some images of last year’s wonderful season, below…

“Professional Theater, Community Spirit”
Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. adam & eves - mende/arington/cesnik
(Christmas Spirits 2008 – produced in association with the CVB and the AHHMA)
Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Macbeth - Elton, Ben, Jeremy
(Macbeth 2009)
Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Macbeth - Elton, Ben, Jeremy

(Winnie the Pooh 2009)

“Thanks so much for inviting us to your performance!  We loved it!  We would love to come back next year, so keep us on the mailing list!  Thanks again for a great show! Please tell the cast and crew that it was WONDERFUL!”
Colbert Elementary Kindergartners (Pooh audience members)