Preparing For Auditions
It’s no secret that Georgia (and the Southeast in general) is projected to see lots of work in the coming months due to the incentive packages that have been passed. THIS IS GREAT NEWS – but are you ready? Are you preparing as you should for every audition? Over the past few weeks/months we’ve been seeing the film industry pick up but haven’t seen all of our talent coming to each audition with their “A-Game.” Below are some things to focus on when you come in to audition, either to the agency or around town:
- Memorize Your Lines – this is the most basic thing in acting, but the lack of preparation here has become an epidemic, and it’s embarassing. If you are given 5 lines or less you should not even need to hold the script, much less read it. KNOW YOUR SCRIPT – we never get notes when doing auditions that say “it’s ok if they only know the first scene” or “if they’re reading it the entire time we’re ok with that.” When you come unprepared it not only makes you look bad, but reflects poorly on us. A prominent casting director told me recently that the execs above him often comment “if this actor can’t take the time to memorize 5 lines, why would I consider them for my project?” He doesn’t even present those reads to the client. If you know you won’t be able to put the time in to know your script and study your role please decline the audition, forcing a read rarely if ever turns into a booking and can often do more harm than good.
- Do Your Homework – Know what you are auditioning for. Where are they from? What do they do? Where is the scene I’m auditioning for take place? Take the time to create a character in your head and read the script and character description carefully to make these decisions. Need more info on the character or project? Email your agent. Don’t just show up and read the lines, know why your saying what you’re saying and doing what you’re doing. This gives depth to your character and will add a dimension to your audition that will make the client pause and take notice. Also – while you should not dress up for a role, we do recommend dressing appropriately (if auditioning for a lawyer wear a tie or as a street thug dress more casual) – the script will more than likely give you the answers on this.
- Show Up On Time and Be Prepared When Called – This is a given when going out to see clients: show up ready to go with script committed to memory and a solid read prepared. This is an in person audition so make sure when you get out of your car you are ready, you may not be guaranteed time to prepare in the waiting room. We are fortunate enough to have the luxury of taping at the agency for some clients, but sometimes this is taken advantage of. Our auditions will run better and be more efficient if you are on time 100% ready to read when you arrive. Take the time in the waiting room to ready yourself for the audition, and know that you can usually wait until you are ready and don’t need to go in the room before you are. Once you go in the room you should be able to do the audition in 1-2 takes; this is not the time for script analysis or memorization. Please do not ask to see your read, it puts us behind and is unfair to everyone else.
- When You Are Waiting to Read Please Don’t Distract Other Actors – This is not a time to be social, it is a time to focus on your audition and allow others around you to do the same. Cell phones should be turned off. You should not be carrying on conversations with other actors. This can be done before or after auditions but when you are at the agency please keep in mind that this can be very distracting to other people in the room, even if you are whispering. Use this time to make sure you are completely prepared for your read and please wait to have your conversations once you are headed home.
- Have Fun – Make personal choices, not what your mind says is “right” and set tangible goals around the audition: Did I listen well? Relax? Execute technically well?…rather than “Did I book the job or not?” and above all else, have fun. Desperate reads as desperation on camera. Actors having fun, book jobs.
- Please Be Respectful Of Our Time Constraints – We love all of you and enjoy your company, but we do not have the time to visit after every audition. This takes time away from current and incoming projects and can cause us to lose focus. If you have something you want to discuss please make an appointment, otherwise please understand that we are usually very busy and need to stay on task as much as possible.
Keeping all of this in mind WILL help you in your auditions and WILL result in more bookings. The actors we see doing these things on a consistent basis are the ones that book the most, and it’s because they do the little things right and always bring their “A-Game” to every audition.