One Warm Coat – LAST DAY

Hi everyone! Just a reminder that the ONGOING coat drive ends this Friday evening. And also a reminder that there is NOT a specific event tomorrow (Fri) night at Manuel’s, it’s just a time I had to put in to the invite : )

So far, 170 coats have been donated!! Most of this batch have been delivered to Atlanta Day Shelter for Women & Children and Open Door Community. I will be going to other shelters with the remaining loads.

Drop off locations are —
Manuel’s Tavern – 602 N Highland Ave
Lab601 – 621 North Ave, NE Ste A-100
VTA – 1575 Sheridan Rd
People Store – 645 Lambert Dr
Houghton Talent – 919 Collier Rd NW

Thank you all for your generosity (but don’t get carried away and give me all of your coats just because it’s 70 degrees outside ; )!