Georgia Ensemble Theatre and the City of Roswell
Let the City of Roswell know how important the arts are to you! |
Dear Mystie,
The Mayor & City Council of Roswell are considering a new bond referendum and want your input. Whether you live in Roswell or not, you travel to Roswell to visit Georgia Ensemble Theatre, and your opinion matters!
There are a series of public open house meetings scheduled where you will learn about the list of possible projects. You will have the opportunity to express your opinion about priorities.
One of the possible projects would be funding for performing arts enhancements at a cost ranging from $2M-$9M.
This project will enhance the cultural choices for Roswell residents and visitors to our community. The City may expand the current Cultural Arts Center facility or expand into a commercial center in Roswell. The new facility will allow for more live performances and a variety of entertainment choices. Project Details Could Include:
There are two more public open houses listed below that you can attend to voice your opinion, or you can rank your projects here.
Please give the City of Roswell your input regarding this bond referendum.
Sincerely, Georgia Ensemble Theatre |