Auditons for The Legend of Sir Cleges
Expressions Theatre and Film
auditions for “The Legend of Sir Cleges and His Gifts”
Auditions dates and times:
Saturday, Aug 21st starting @10am by appointment
Saturday, Aug 28th starting @10am by appointment
Show Synopsis:
The Legend of Sir Cleges is a charming medieval musical of a knight’s journey through poverty, extortion, and miracles. (short rehearsal & run time) G -rated
Cast of 30 includes: actors, singers, dancers, jugglers, musicians
ages from 6yrs old – 70 yrs old, all ethnicities
Audition requirements:
Actors: Cold reading from script
Singers: Prepared song
Dancers: Prepared dance
Musician: Prepared music
Contact information:
Expressions Theatre and Film – 404-872-7276