Art Institute Auditions This week
We are having auditions at the school next monday and we would love to have some of your assistance with helping us getting some actors. If you wouldn’t mind sending this announcement out to your list. I also attached the character breakdown, we need all types of actors except children. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.
The Art Institute of Atlanta
Monday- October 27th, 6:30-9pm Room 450
Please look for the signs for room location.
This Fall our students are producing several short films and commercials and we’ll be delighted if you, or actors you know, will consider appearing in these films.
Thank you to everyone who’s auditioned with us in the past. The students can’t make their films without you!
To schedule an AUDITION, please email
Jennie Vaughn and James Lyons <>
— Use ACTORS NEEDED as Subject of email
— Include your 1st and 2nd choices for dates and times. We schedule actors in 30-minute blocks.
— Provide your Height & Age Range
— Include your Phone number(s) & email address
— Please DO NOT attach headshot & resume to email
We will EMAIL you to confirm your audition time and date.
For AUDITION, please:
— Prepare to perform 2 short Monologues (1 -1.5 minutes) – 1 comedy, 1 drama
— Bring your Head Shot & Resume (At least 3 copies of each. More copies if possible.)
— Plan to stay at least 45 minutes to 1 hour. Individual student directors may want to meet with you after your Monologues to discuss your availability or do readings from their scripts.
— If you don’t have Monologues to use, let us know and we will send you some to choose from.
Directions to The Art Institute of Atlanta:
At the Art Institute, parking is free but you must get a parking pass from receptionist in Gallery on 1st floor if you arrive before about 8pm. (If you have a later time, check to see if receptionist is still in Gallery, if not, you don’t need a pass.)
Your response e-mail will include a SPECIFIC TIME for your Audition. If you have a last minute change of plans, please email Jennie and James or leave a voice mail for Fran.
Actors will not be paid but will receive a master-quality video of projects if cast.
Faculty: Fran Burst, The Art Institute of Atlanta,
6600 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, 100 Embassy Row
Atlanta, GA 30328
To leave a voice mail for Fran Burst, call: 770-689-5039. Be sure to leave your phone number AND email. For questions, please email Jennie Vaughn or James Lyons <>
Auditions-Fall 08
Larry– African American male, between the ages of 21-29, Athletic build. DA
Mario– tall,slightly wide upper body,muscular,about 6 feet or taller,nicely dressed,haircut,clean shaved,very mannerable,strong firm and knowledgeable. BB
Melvin– medium height, slightly muscular, slim, face unshaven, height about 5 10 and up not taller than 6 ft, low cut working uniform. Very discouraged about career path and lack of responsibility. BB
James Brown- is in his mid to late 20’s, dark-skinned, with a slender, athletic build. JL
Mr. Nathan– is a middle aged, heavy set, white-collared Little Caesar that barks commands and opinions, wielding a lit cigar. The way he has made a very good living in the record industry is by sticking to what works. JL
The Flames- Bobby, Johnny Terry and Byrd. These three young males serve as James Brown’s backup dancers. They must be able to dance. JL
Mr. Bart – James’s road manager, he sees and knows everything, but says little. His looks and body language speak for him. JL
Anton– mid 20s male, leader for the group, a joker, anime fan but doesn’t wear it on his sleeve, level headed, but when he snaps he tries to hold it together but it often fails. DL
Dean– late 20s male, often the sarcastic wise guy and know at all, and sci-fi nut Anton’s right hand man. DL
Reese– youngest of the group slightly shy, comic book fan, babbles when nervous, and can crack a joke on person but sometimes at the wrong time. DL
Edward: video game expert, overconfident often thanks he’s invincible, and the fighter of the group but more of the time he picks battle he can’t when against people. DL
Derrick – 5’10, 185 pounds / African American / Male / Bald Head (Basketball Player). JM
Philip – 6’2, 210 pounds / White / Male / Long Hair (Basketball Player). JM
Blake – is your every day, run of the mill, lazy bum. He works. . . really hard at living off of other people. He’s the guy that adopted dating as his business plan. With a chip on his shoulder and a feeling that the world owes him, he constantly seeks power. TM
No Name Man – He has no name but that’s unimportant. What matters is he is a male anywhere between the ages of 25 to 45 and is clean cut looking. He must appear to be fastidious and neat. He gives the impression of having obsessive-compulsive disorder with his perfectly combed hair and pressed, fully buttoned up clothes. CP
Jordan– white American man middle-aged.. he stands about 6’1” and has a nice built statue. Nicely trim black hair. Nicely lookin guy.. His personality is very bold and flurts more than often. He’s very outgoing and needs excitement more than his wife. KS
Kingston: A handsome young man age 18-25 who dresses in stylish yet classic clothes. Kingston loves sushi and women. Know as a “player” type, Kingston finally meets his match when he is allured by the fragrance of a beautiful and mysterious young woman who passes him by at the sushi bar. LS
Nick – A tall muscular young man in his early thirties, late twenties with an appearance that grabs the attention many women. His charming smile and overall charisma gives him an air of quality. DT
Hagan– is a small-framed man of about the age of twenty five to thirty with a strong aura about him. He has a thin build, but the way he carries himself shows that he has more strength then one could give him credit for. DT
Will – Handsome, well dressed, shy, likes what he sees, but won’t make a move. (The call for help forces him to respond) CW
Mugger – Mean, threatening, sees weak girl as a way to steal a little cash. CW
Jock – Big, strong, and handsome. Will transforms into Jock after consuming power drink. CW
“Cole” -Male, Caucasian, 20’s – 30’s, physical description irrelevant, wears cargo pants, hiking boots, long sleeve Henley or thermal shirt, hunting knife attached to belt. ZZ
“Xander”- (victim, will have to wear makeup) Male, 30’s, wearing jeans, a dark t-shirt, and a plaid flannel shirt tied around his waist, is carrying shoes. ZZ
Infected 1 – Male, age irrelevant as is physical description, wearing dirty blood caked clothing. ZZ
Infected 1 – Male, age irrelevant as is physical description, wearing dirty blood caked clothing. ZZ
Driver – “Jefferson”-Male, African American, 30’s – 40’s, wearing slacks and a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Looks very much like a business man having a very bad day. ZZ
Amena– African American age 19-28, very athletic, long hair. DA
Mother– African American female, Medium build, Medium cut hair, Preferably between the ages of 35-50. DA
Tracie– African American or Puerto-Rican female, age 19-28. Long hair, Very animated. Athletic or Medium build. DA
Extras– Three young black girls to serve as jealous upset and pissed off groupies-out for revenge. JL
Cora – Cora Gabrhanaget is a lonely girl, a social out cast. She had bad acne in high school and was picked on by her classmates. Deciding not to fit in, she went through several musical and clothing styles before settling on anything cheap. TM
Valerie– white American lady middle-aged.. she stands tall to about 5’7”. Slim waist short brown hair. She has nice blue eyes with big lips. Her personality is that she is a proud mother very quite and passionate about her family and career. KS
Tammy– white American girl in her early 20’s. She about 5’4” long blonde hair with nice brown eyes. Nicely built slim waist, fast type of girl. Her personality is very outgoing love to party and scheme her way through classes. She also flirts a lot and her personality is mostly described as very entertaining and fun to be around. KS
Lily Rose: A tall beautiful young woman age 18-25 who dresses in harajuku style clothing. Lily loves sushi, guys, and of course wearing harajuku lover’s fragrance. She uses the power of her harajuku lover’s fragrance along with her flirtatious personality to attract and allure almost any young man who crosses her path. LS
Brenda – A petite young woman in her mid to early twenties. Brenda’s bright personality and determination awards her with a status of an individual with a bright future.
Tracy – Attractive, well dressed, thinks she may see Mr. Right hopes he will notice her. CW
“Jordan”-Female, Caucasian, 20’s – 30’s, physical description irrelevant other than she shouldn’t be overly “girly” and manicured, wearing jeans and hiking boots/shoes, wearing a long sleeve t-shirt and an unbuttoned long sleeve shirt on top. ZZ
Gem – A small framed girl around the ages of six to seven years of age. Her adventurous nature smothered by the deadly battles that occur every other day in her house. Since she was old enough to understand that the man that was supposed to love her mother, her sister, and herself was unloving beyond belief, her soul slowly begin to retreat into a world where she couldn’t believe in the words of the people that said they loved her. DT