Whole World Improv Theatre Improvisation Studies Program Audition

Date:                                      Saturday, June 27

Time:                                     Anytime between 1-4PM

Activity Location:     Whole World Improv Theatre / 1216 Spring St / Atl, GA 30309 / 4.817.0880                                     


Free parking is located behind our building. There is a small access road off of Spring St. just north of our building that leads to our employee parking lot.

Please bring two headshots and be prepared to do a couple of short improv scenes.

Whole World Improv Theatre is hosting an open audition to fill spots for its Improvisation Studies Program. Created to provide working and student actors a professional environment in which to learn improv, the program will consist of an ongoing educational training program focused on three separate learning platforms, meeting once a week for 2 hours on each assigned day. The Improvisation Studies Program is directed and managed by, Eric Goins, Assistant Artistic Director for Whole World Theatre.

Platform 1 – Intensive Acting for Improv

Interns are trained in the improv technique unique to Whole World Theatre. Work will reinforce grounded, emotional-based acting achieved through self-discovery, self-awareness, focus and trust.

Platform 2 – Basic Improv Games

Building upon a good foundation achieved in Session 1, training will focus on the basic improv games performed at Whole World Improv Theatre. Course will proceed from introduction of each game to development of proficient performance of each game.

Platform 3 – Advanced Improv Games

Moving beyond basic games, participants will begin to learn skills needed to conquer more challenging improv games, including dialects, impersonations and character work.

In addition to each of the above scheduled classes, members of the program are invited to participate in a 2-hour “jam” session each week in order to work on the previous week’s lesson in a free, unsupervised environment. We expect actors to begin becoming their own directors and to build an ensemble bond through this experience.

In lieu of payment for classes, program participants are expected to help three times a month during one of our live performances. Participants will be trained in production skills and show elements necessary for a successful show (lights, sound, camera, audience suggestions, etc.). This time is intended to give a “behind the scenes” look at the driving force behind our dynamic show, to provide an opportunity to be a part of an ensemble production, and become familiar with standard industry skills.

Showcase Performance

Beginning January 2010, the ISP cast will perform a monthly 2-hour improv performance for a live audience on the Whole World Improv Theatre Mainstage to showcase their talent and test their skills in a live show environment.


All professional and student actors with a high school diploma are encouraged to audition.


If you are cast for the program, you will be asked to pay a one-time $50.00 administration fee. After that. no other fees or costs apply.

If you have any questions about the program or audition, please contact Eric Goins at eric@wholeworldtheatre.com.