Babycake Studios Holiday Headshot Special!!

Babycake Studios Limited Time Only Headshot

Gift Certificate Special!

Buy a gift certificate between now and December 31, 2009 and use it through February 28, 2010 and get $50 off your headshot session! Gift certificates are $150 for a $200 session and $225 for the $275 session. You can see the session details at

Gift certificates used after February 2010 will apply at face value with the difference being due at the session. Appointments must be made in advance and are available based on demand.

Call 770-881-8211 or email at to purchase or book!

Katherine Tracy Page • (770) 881-8211
Babycake Studios • Photography & Design

The Fine Print: $200 session for $150 does not include stylist. $275 session available at $225 does include stylist. Gift certificates will be mailed via USPS, please allow adequate time for receipt. Overnight and priority mail available with additional shipping/handling charges. Payment through Paypal available with $5.00 surcharge to cover Paypal’s service fees. Sessions are location sessions and are available weekdays in the Atlanta metro area at a location convenient to client and photographer. Weekend sessions are available within 30 miles of Rome, Georgia. If session is not scheduled before February 28, 2010 due to weather or unavailability of photographer, flexibility will be allowed within reason and at discretion of photographer.